Trends of the Decades - The 2000s

Trends of the Decades - The 2000s
by Neil Bason Posts

It’s only a whole new millennium! We all braced ourselves at 23:59 on New Year’s Eve after word of the ‘millennium bug’ – a computer virus style thing that was potentially set to take down the entire planet’s technology – filtered through news channels, but then, the clocks chimed midnight and a new dawn was ushered in without so much as a sneeze from world tech. Phew, right?

The 2000s were here (or the noughties as they became widely known) and would prove to be a time of happiness and heartbreak.

The Tempest Photography Timeline

There was big change in the air at Tempest, for this was the decade that the company went fully digital. The unabated rise of this new style of photography paved the way for the company to utilise the faster, more reliable method of capturing large numbers of portraits and streamline their own operations. Tempest opened the most advanced digital laboratory in Europe at their Cornwall base, and the rest as they say, is history.

Photography in the ‘00s

The larger world also stepped confidently into the digital age. The shift had been taking place since the ‘80s, but it was this new millennium that truly changed the landscape forever. By the time the decade closed out, digital photography was the norm for a planet of happy snappers.

The Big Moments

The decade was still in its relative infancy when the world was shaken by the tragic events of 9/11. Two hijacked planes crashed into New York’s World Trade Centre, one hit the Pentagon, and a fourth crashed into a field after passengers fought back against the terrorist hijackers. The loss of life and the shocking images of that day remain forever ingrained into the darker parts of human history.

The movie world saw a dramatic change in how animation films were created as traditional hand-drawn techniques had new competition in computer-generated films such as Shrek. Children and the young at heart were just happy to have a new influx of great movies and unforgettable characters.

The Millennium Bridge opened in London to much celebration. It closed two days later as it was a bit wobbly.

Russell Crowe bellowed ‘Are you not entertained!’ as the Gladiator Maximus Decimus Meridius. Relax, Russell, we are entertained, very much so. Here, take all the awards. Gladiator proved a global smash hit and walked from the Colosseum with the ‘Best Picture’ Oscar.

Talking of popular films (and books), Harry Potter was taking over the world! You thought Beatle mania was wild, well you ain't seen nothing yet. Fans of the young wizard's adventures clamoured in their thousands for every new film and book decked out in their Hogwart's house robes and brandishing wands and wide smiles. And, because we adults are just big kids in grown-up shoes, versions of the books were released with adult-styled covers. What a time it was!

Video games continued their assault on popular culture as Sony launched the mighty PlayStation 2, and Microsoft entered the fray with their Xbox console. Gaming was going mainstream, and perhaps the geek might indeed inherit the earth.

The Soundtrack

Musically, the decade felt balanced between various genres. Pop shared the airwaves with Rock, Hip Hop remained in clear focus, and there was ample room for dance, metal, country and everything in-between to have a moment in the spotlight.

Our Favourites:

Beyonce – Crazy in Love

The White Stripes – Seven Nation Army

U2 – Beautiful Day

Amy Winehouse – Rehab

50 Cent – In Da Club

The Strokes – Last Night

As the new millennium's first decade stepped aside, it will be remembered as a time of hope in the shadow of the occasional feeling of hopelessness. A time when the world became more connected via the internet but remained fractured by long-standing divisions. Well, here come the 2010s, surely humanity can find some common ground and compassion.

Erm…see you there!

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