Our specialist photographers are experts at capturing large group images. They understand how to manage the process, including marrying the vital importance of health and safety with the goal of delivering incredible quality photos that capture the spirit of your school.
We'll bring along our own specially manufactured aluminium staging, making it safe and simple to capture images of up to 1200 people in one sitting. Need to go bigger, worry not. A little digital wizardry in the lab will allow us to expand that number even further.
You’ll also receive a free copy of each group image to display in your school.
We’ll bring along our own, specially constructed, aluminium staging that’s fully compliant with the latest health and safety regulations.
Designed exclusively for Tempest, to provide the safest and most efficient solution for taking large numbers of staff and students in a single photograph, the staging is inspected regularly by an independent structural engineer and comes with our comprehensive liability insurance. Weight is distributed evenly over a wide area to protect playing fields and artificial surfaces, whether inside or outdoors and there are solid tread fronts for added peace-of-mind.